The Argentinian Diego Jascalevich – born in Buenos Aires in 1965 – has lived in Kassel as a musician and composer since 1995. Here he studied classical guitar with Wolfgang Lendle and composition with Dr. Diego H. Feinstein at the Kassel Music Academy. Before coming to Germany, Diego spent several years in Bahia, Brazil, and in Rome.
Engagements took him through Europe, South America, Japan, Russia and the USA. Numerous CD productions with well-known musicians document the versatility of the artist. For example, Diego 19xx performed at Peter Gabriel's World Music Festival in London or can be heard as a guest musician for the Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli and for the flamenco guitarist José Luis Montón on their CD productions.

As an instrumentalist, he has attracted attention with his instrument, the charango, since his youth - he has long been considered the innovator of the playing technique of the small double-stringed guitar and masters it with astonishing virtuosity and joy of playing. Diego developed nNew melodic playing techniques, from which a fascinating sound arises that has never been heard before: rhythmically spirited as well as lyrically.
In his compositions, the musical border crosser combines traditional elements of South American folklore with modern, classical tonal language and excursions into jazz and classical music. With his didactic works for children's and youth orchestras and his concept of "opera improvisata" Diego developed extraordinary stage formats.

In the musical landscape of Kassel, Diego Jascalevich always sets exciting accents: in particularProjects with international musicians from different nations continue to impress his audience in his adopted home in North Hesse.
As a teacher and member of the German Tonkuensterverband, the musician is dedicated to training young instrumentalists in the subjects of guitar, ukulele and charango, also in school cooperation projects. Many of his didactic stage projects and ensemble arrangements were realized under his leadership in schools and music schools in Germany, Japan and South America. As a lecturer and ensemble leader, he received teaching assignments at the University of Kassel.

Diego is a master at unconventionally exploiting the tonal possibilities of the small Andean guitar to the limits of possibility - and beyond.

Left picture: Diego together with his first permanent ensemble in Buenos Aires with Pablo Ramirez on bombo legüero, Diego Clemente on quena, Guilliermo Vezzaro on guitar
Picture on the right: Diego in the 80s together with the guitarist Ruben (Chocho) Ruiz and a pan flute player who is no longer known by name

Diego with his mother Lucia Barreda and the small clay sculptures that Lucia made of her youngest son "Dieguito" when he was about six or seven years old and already spending a lot of time with his best friend - the charango.
Diego grew up in a musical household with four older brothers and one sister. His brothers Alejandro and Miguel taught him his first grips on the guitar.
Maria Ines, Diego's sister gave her little brother his first Charango.

In 1993 he wrote the movement “Baguala de Doña Luchi” in Rome, first as a charango solo, which Diego later worked on during his student days as the middle movement for his first composition for string quartet and charango, the Charango Suite. This sentence is dedicated to his mother Lucia.
Diego's father is the famous Argentinian Journalist and author Adolfo Jasca.

"Diego Jascalevich conjures up the sun in the hearts of his listeners with astonishing ease."